Fredrik Fredrickson
Kön: M
Föddes: 1851-03-23 - På Socknen, Veta (E) Dog: 1917-01-16 - Blue Earth County, Minnesota Begravning: Dödsorsak:Händelser
• Utvandring: 1880-06-18, Lake Crystal, USA.
Far: Fredrik Dahlin Mor: Anna-Stina Säll
Makar och barn
1. *Johanna Rimstedt Äktenskap: 1873-06-13 Barn: 1. Karl August Fredrickson 2. Anna Sofia Fredrickson 3. Axel Theodor Fredrickson 4. Johanna Mathilda Fredrickson 5. Hulda Cecilia Fredrickson 6. Ealen Martha Fredrickson 7. Albert Richard Fredrickson 8. Clarence Gayhard Fredrickson 9. Albertina Josephine Fredrickson 10. Burt Edwin Fredrickson 11. Joseph Fredric Fredrickson
Fredrick was born in Stockholm, Sweden. It appears from available records that Fredrick Fredrickson changed his last name from Froman to Fredrickson while in Sweden. According to the Landsarkivet I Uppsala, Sweden, Johanna Rimstedt married farm hand Fredrik Fredriksson, who had previously migrated to North America. He came to America around 1880 and was here for a little over a year before sending for his wife and five children to join him. Johanna sailed for America with her 5 children on October 11, 1881. The family settled in or near Madelia, Minnesota. He signed his naturalization papers with an "X" "Fred Fredrickson, an old resident of this county died at the home of his son Joseph Fredrickson, in Lincoln, Tuesday, Jan. 16, of general breakdown. Mr. Fredrickson was born in Sweden in March 1851. His wife has been dead about 28 years, since which time he has made his home with his son Joseph. Decease is also survived by three other sons, Carl of Fergus Falls, Axel and Albert of Lincoln and Clarence of Strandquist, also three daughters, Mrs. Peter Jacobson of Madelia, Mrs. Hanson of Morris and Mrs. Oistad of Standquist, and one sister Mrs. Anna Rask of Lake Crystal. The funeral was held Thursday from the home conducted by Rev. Holland and the remains buried in Lincoln cemetery." (1917)
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